I'm a teacher - can I share the Usborne Fact Force lessons-in-a-box with parents for home learning?
Yes, you can.
The Usborne Fact Force school events are Copyright Usborne Publishing Ltd. Under copyright law, that means you are welcome to use them for ‘research and private study’ (see ‘What is copyright?’), wherever that takes place – school or home.
As a teacher you’re welcome to share the link to the Fact Force page on Usborne.com with your pupils’ parents and carers, for the use of home-learning, including via apps such as Tapestry, Mosaic, Class Dojo, SeeSaw, etc.
Please note that it is a breach of copyright law to share the Usborne Fact Force events online without the express permission of Usborne (see 'Can I share the Usborne Fact Force school events online?').
If you’re a parent, please see this article: 'I’m a home-schooling parent, can I watch the Usborne Fact Force school events?'