I've found a broken link in Usborne Quicklinks

If one of the recommended weblinks for your book doesn't work, we recommend you revisit it in a day or two. Websites sometimes have temporary problems.

If the site still doesn't work when you check it next time, it would be great if you emailed us to let us know. We review all the links periodically, but the content of a website can change at any time, so we are continually updating our recommended links.

To let us know about a broken link, just email us with the word "Quicklinks" in the subject line. Tell us the title of your book, the title of the link and the url of the website. Our team will get on to it straight away and mend the original link or find a replacement. Where possible we try to fix links within three to five days, but some may take us a little longer. We'll let you know when the link is updated – and thank you for your help!